As a customary process at Wingate institute, the Krav Maga professional committee assembled on April 14-18, 2011.
Given that, Wingate Institute, Israel National Sport Institution, is opening its gates to foreign students; the main objective of the committee, was to design a high quality Krav Maga instructor’s course.
It was emphasized, that the course program, should suite all styles of Krav Maga, as well as incorporate new techniques and knowledge.
- Additional objectives were set:
- To present Krav Maga in professional manner in Israel and worldwide.
- To constitute an undependable professional source of Krav Maga know-how.
- To answer the need for reliable and professional knowledge in Krav Maga.
- To set standards for professional Krav Maga instructors.
- To teach and preserve Krav Maga heritage.
Committee members:
Abi Moriya – Head of Chinese and Philippine martial arts section at Wingate Institute.
Benjamin Mayer – Krav Maga Instructor, 7th Dan in “Dennis Survival”, founder of “Gideon”- non- profit organization who acts to promote teenagers through martial arts training.
Gaby Michaeli - WKM Instructor, 7th Dan in Karate, National Karate Team Coach.
Guy Mor - WKM Instructor, 8th Pan (Dan) in Pankration, 6th Dan in Karate, 4th Dan in Kankido, head of Martia Arts discipline at Wingate Institute.
Maor Bashan - WKM Instructor, former head of Krav Maga section at the IDF School for anti terror combat. Holds black belts in: Karate, Pankration, Meijin-Do and Krav Maga.
Ronen Katz - Krav Maga Instructor, received his black belt in Krav Maga personally from Imi. 6th Dan in Kyokushinkai Karate, head of the Israeli Kyokushinkai Association.
Shlomi Katz - WKM Instructor, former head of Krav Maga section at the IDF School for anti terror combat. 3rd Dan in Karate, 5th Pan (Dan) in Pankration, 6th Dan in Meijin-Do
Shalom! Meu nome é Douglas sou de Vitoria- Brazil. Sou instrutor de krav maga da bukan.
Gostaria de fazer um curso de instrutor de krav maga com voces, incluindo armas de fogo. Qual o valor do curso, quantos dias,se esse certificado consigo dar aulas de krav maga. Uma pergunta. Quem atualmente ensina o krav maga puro. Yaron ou tem mais pessoas.
Aguardo seu retorno.