Feedback Krav Maga Instructor Course
October / November 2013 - Wingate Institute
The course has been high-profile professional and of high competence technical and pedagogical.
From October 27 to November 2, 2013, a heterogeneous group of students participated in the Krav Maga Instructor Course, primarily targeted to people who already have technical experience and who know the subject. Many of them had twenty years of experience teaching martial arts and more generally in the teaching of Krav Maga.
Surprising to some, was the connection to a new methodology of teaching Krav Maga, which starts from the awareness that a modern instructor must be able to go in the field beyond simple technical programs.
In an environment increasingly more confusing, in which each instructor “holds” the absolute truth, I believe that a one-way and authoritative teaching serves to give that identity and seriousness that a discipline such as Krav Maga deserves. From this point of view, the Wingate is giving a great orientation, both teaching methodology and cultural. In fact, this logic is part of the awareness that there must be an evolution in the teaching of Krav Maga, as the instructor (or rather the new instructor) must be put at the center of the educational process of the athlete and not the ‘instructor himself, in order to understand their needs and act accordingly.
The students who were present came from different parts of the world, with life experiences and sporting completely different. I think this is a demonstration of how wide is the interest towards this experience, which according to the students themselves, is unique and original.
All the teachers have had an attitude of openness and collaboration knowing to make available their scientific and cultural resources.
Thank you on my own behalf and IKMI, the group of teachers, primarily Guy Mor for the excellent coordination, Abi which is always a reference for everyone, Shachar and Rami for the great human value and technical along with Dudi, Roy and Gal.
Antonio Monsellato