International Seminars

13 Responses to International Seminars

  1. Bastian Beyer says:

    Dear ladies and gentleman,
    i am very interested in seminars at the wingate institute. could you send me more informations about your seminars and courses please.
    Toda raba.
    Best wishes

    Bastian Beyer, Germany

  2. giwa adekunle says:

    i wanna know if i can enrol for your forthcoming course .. i wanna know the duration and the cost ..

  3. Addiel Vallejo says:

    hi i am interested in a course being me I could register Mexican, I need and what would be the cost? I hope your answer greetings

  4. marco solaroli says:

    Dear Dr.Guy Mor,
    I’m interested in the course with IMKM in June if not already started.
    In any case I would like to know your dates for future courses.
    Thank you.
    Best regards.
    Marco Solaroli

  5. Caroline Holmer says:

    I would like to now if i can stady at your school toar rishon be limodi minhal asakim sport ve beriot, if its pasibel to stady in english or do i hav to do it in hebrow?

  6. Caroline Holmer says:

    I live just now in tel-aviv and i am very intresting to stady att yor school

  7. joey C. says:

    hello, I am a cert. KMWW licensee & instructor in the US.
    I am curious as I have been told that Avi will be coming to Orange County Krav Maga in CA. in April hosted by Yuri Boiravsky to teach an 8 day basic instructor course for an authentic Wingate instructor cert. in Krav Maga. Is this a legitimate course & cert. & will it be authenticated by the Wingate Academy if say I was to go to the academy & train in the future. 2nd, would this course allow me to then train toward an advanced cert.?
    thank you

  8. joey C. says:

    Hello & thank you for your response…
    I am including the link for the course of which I speak & the official website of the location. I am asking if Avi Avisidon is &/or was not the head instructor & chairman of the Wingate Institute?
    Please verify autheticity…

  9. Carlos Fernando Teixeira says:

    Hello, dear all.
    I pratice Krav Magá in Brazil and I’m interested in join Winsgate seminars and trainings.
    Could you let me know about and send more information about your courses, seminars and trainings?
    Thank you.
    Best regards.

  10. Riva milworm says:

    Hi my name is riva milworm. Im interested about your krav maga courses. The courses theduration the costs locations… If you can please email me i would greatly appreciate it thanx in advance!

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