Appendix to the Regulations of the School of Coaches concerning overseas students in hand-to-hand combat courses in Israel and abroad
This document constitutes an Appendix to the Regulations of the School of Coaches and it is intended to regulate the academic conditions of overseas students interested in studying hand-to-hand combat courses that take part in Israel and overseas.
The different courses held worldwide on behalf of Wingate Institute will be published on the hand-to-hand combat website of Wingate Institute: The student has to ensure that the course is given by the Wingate Institute before registering and making any payments.
The full version of the Regulations can be reviewed in the internet website of the School of Coaches,, and the hand-to-hand combat website of Wingate Institute.
Acknowledgement of previous studies
The list of acknowledged institutes is published in the hand-to-hand combat website of Wingate Institute:
Pregnant student
A pregnant student is prohibited from taking part in different courses for overseas students.
In the event that a student became pregnant during the course she shall notify about it immediately and enclose a suitable note attesting to her condition to the course coordinator and the Students Administration. If due to her pregnancy she cannot take part in practical lessons in an extent of more than 20%, she will have to complete the hours she missed within three years from the date of her enrollment in the course.
Participation in tests
- Studies and tests held in the School of Coaches are held in English and Hebrew only (excluding special courses that are held in additional languages).
- A student is obligated to take part in all tests that are held in the First Term (a student who failed in the First Term is entitled to take the test in the Second Term).
- A student may not ask any questions in connection with the content of the test during a test. Overseas students and students with learning disabilities that have an appropriate confirmation may ask reading comprehension questions and use a dictionary.
- In the following proven circumstances: illness, family event or mourning due to which a student cannot take a test (in the First and/or Second Term), the student shall be entitled to take the test in a special term (see Section D.2) at no extra cost following the approval of the director of the students administration provided that he furnishes acceptable proof as to his absence from the test.
- In the event that the student did not take the test in the First or the Second Term for justifiable causes, the student shall be added to a test on the same subject in the framework of a parallel course and at no extra cost after submitting an application to complete an academic subject to the director of the martial arts department.
Application accommodation in theoretical tests
An application for accommodation during theoretical tests shall be accompanied by a professional diagnosis made by a professional entity (psychologist, speech pathologist, didactic diagnostician and so on). Diagnosis shall be submitted in full including the chapter of recommendations (translated into English). The application may be submitted a month at the latest from the date of beginning of studies in an annual course and up to two weeks since the beginning of a semestrial or concentrated course.
- A passing grade in a theoretical test is 55; a passing grade in a practical test is 65 and above unless specified otherwise.
- The School may change the threshold conditions for passing tests in accordance with the requirements set forth by the Sports Administration and a resolution passed by the academic board.
- Test grades will be sent to students by email within 3 weeks from the date of the test.
- The grade sheet shall include only the last grade the student received.
- A student that failed twice in a test will be obligated to study the course once more for additional payment and take the test.
- A student who completed successfully all the requirements of the course shall be entitled to receive a certificate of completion.
- The student ought to present valid certificate/confirmation attesting that he completed successfully the First Aid course to an extent of 20 hours at least, as a condition for receiving a coaching or training certificate.
- The student is entitled to receive one certificate of completion only. Each additional certificate is at extra cost.
Student health and accidents
A. Student insurance
- Each overseas student is obligated to furnish during his registration a medical confirmation attesting to good health enabling active participation in the course, and special tourists insurance (overseas travel insurance) covering all the student’s activities in the framework of the courses provided by the Wingate Institute in Israel. As to overseas activities, the student must be insured by a suitable medical insurance that provides cover to all his activities in the framework of the courses and continuing programs held by the Wingate Institute in the country where the activity is held. A student that does not have appropriate insurance will not be able to take part in the study program.
- No compensation shall be given to a student for additional expenses for medical care and/or for loss of workdays except for third party insurance provided by the Institute and in accordance with the conditions set forth by the insurance policy.
- If the student’s medical condition changed during studies, not in the framework of the school’s activities, he ought to notify about it immediately to the course coordinator and the admission and registration department.
B. Reporting an accident
A student that was injured during his stay in the area of the Institute or during his activities in classes held by the School, is required to report immediately about his injury to the course coordinator or the instructor in that class.
The course coordinator shall fill in an accident report (which he can obtain in the Students Administration) within 24 hours from the time the injury occurred. In the event that the student is unable to report on an accident, the accident report shall be filled in by the director of the department.
C. First aid
The School is not obligated to provide any medical services to the student and/or compensation for receiving medical treatment except for providing first aid in the Institute’s infirmary for activities that were held in the Wingate Institute itself. Liability for medical insurance cover shall be borne by the student only, including liability for payment for medical services provided to the student by any entity whether in Israel and whether overseas.
Payment arrangements
1. Regulating tuition fees
The student ought to regulate payment of full tuition fees before the start of the course. Regulation of tuition fees in full is a condition for ensuring a place in the course.
2. Payments for certificates and confirmations
A student is entitled to receive from the School, at no extra cost, and on a one-time basis, a certificate of his studies and a grade sheet (when relevant) one year following the completion of his studies.
For any additional certificate specified hereinabove the student shall be charged with extra payment.
3. Repayment policy (Cancellation and Refunds Policies):
The following policy is applicable only in connection with registration fees and tuition fees that were paid directly to the Wingate Institute. The Institute is not liable for payments made to third parties that organize groups for courses held by the Wingate Institute. The organizing entity shall be exclusively liable for the collection and repayments in accordance with the policy it prescribed and published.
- The Registration Fee is non refundable.
- Cancellation Policies –
- Wingate reserves the right to cancel a course. A course will be cancelled or rebooked if there is insufficient enrolment based on Wingate sole discretion. The registrant will be notified of changes/cancellations and refunds/options. If Wingate cancels a course, a full refund will be processed (including the registration fee). Wingate is not responsible for any accommodation, travel, or other expenses incurred by a registrant if a course is cancelled.
- If the registrant cancels: (a) Prior to 30 days before course starts, a $150 cancellation fee will be charged; (b) Between 29-8 days before the course starts, a charge of 70% of the tuition fee will be levied; (c) as of 7 days before the course starts no refunds are issued, and the full tuition fee will be levied.
- Refund requests may be submitted by fax or email.
Please note: refund will be made without any Interest or linkage. Wingate is not responsible for any accommodation, travel, or other expenses incurred by a registrant if a course is cancelled. Any tuition fee which will be refund, as according to the above policy, will be refund after deducting bank’s fees or commissions.
Validity of studies
Since certification process for overseas students comprises of different modules, a student that enrolled for studies ought to complete the entire certification process within three years from the start of the studies. If his studies last for a period longer than the period specified hereinabove he shall be required to pay additional registration fees and pay for courses he previously took.
Each certificate provided by the Wingate Institute School of Coaches for overseas students is valid for a period of two years only. In order to renew the certificate for a period of two additional years, its owner ought to take part in a hand-to-hand combat seminar/course held by the Wingate Institute in an extent of at least 6 hours, held overseas or in Israel. Participation in the continuing education program and issuance of a new certificate are at an additional cost (cost of production of the updated certificate and delivering the certificate by registered mail anywhere in the world for $60. Cost of program is contingent upon the content, extent and location thereof).