Upcoming Events

May 21st - 27th, 2017

Krav Maga International course May 2017 Israel

contact person: Ernie Kirk
contact mail: [email protected]
course language: English

International Seminar Krav Maga Practical Instructor Course Krav Maga Seminar Krav Maga Advanced

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November 2016 -

Krav Maga Seminar November 2016 USA

contact person: Ernie Kirk
contact mail: [email protected]
course language: English

Information will be updated shortly

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April 30th - May 1st 2017

Krav Maga Team Leader, Germany April 2017

contact person: Alain Cohen
contact mail: [email protected]
course language: English

Krav Maga Team Leader   This is the first level of leadership, usually used to encourage relatively new practitioners through a process of qualification and responsibilities granting. In this process, the student gets the chance to guide and lead new … Continue reading

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October 8th - 2016

Krav Maga Seminar October 2016 in Holland

contact person: Adriaan Van Der Hout
contact mail: [email protected]
course language: English

This seminar will be given by former IDF Krav Maga instructor Tsach Harel from Israel. The subjects that will be taught in the seminar: 1) Gun Defences (morning session) 2) Mutiple attackers and helping a friend in need (afternoon session) Location: … Continue reading

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September 22- - 26, 2016

Krav Maga Seminar in Lyon France September 2016

contact person: Alain Cohen
contact mail: [email protected]
course language: French

Krav Maga Practical Seminar This seminar will focus in anti terror issues.

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